References & Further Reading
Listed below are references for the content found within the Chiropractic section of our website.
The Physician's Clinical Reference Manual.
7th edition, Dr R Cass Ph.D 1994.
Chiropractic Anatomy and Physiology of Sacro Occipital Technique
J. Howat D.C, D.I.C.S, F.I.C.S, F.C.C 1999.
Adverse Mechanical Tension in the Central Nervous System
A.Breig M.D 1978.
Further Reading
"Wiseworld Seminars" and "The Association for Network Care" are two official organisations of Network Spinal Analysis. They can be reached at:
444 N. Main Sreet
Longmont, Co 80501
Tel: (001) 303 678 8086
Fax: (001) 303 678 8089
Practice Leaflet Refences:
Medical Doctors and chiropractors study for the same number of hours to achieve their (respetctive) degrees.
GMC Tomorrow's Drs 2009 P83 G.C.C. Degree Recognition Criteria. 2010 P20
Research conducted by the Medical research Council (an independant government backed body) found Chiropractic to be the most effective treatment for low back pain when compared to osteopathy, hospital outpatient care and physiotherapy.
BMJ 1990; 300; 1431 - 1437
BMJ 1995; 311; 349
References for info and advice section (on sitting, standing, disc pressures etc)
Nachemson A, Elfstrom G. Intravital dynamic pressure measurements in Lumbar discs. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl. 1970; 1 - 40
Andersson BJ, Ortengren R Lumbar disc pressure and myoelectric back muscle activity during sitting.
Scan J Rehabil Med 1974; 6 (3): 115 - 21
Occhipinti E, et al. Sitting posture: analysis of lumbar stressess with upper limbs supported.
Ergonomics. 1985 Sep; 28 (9): 1333 - 46